Viewing single post of blog Europarc Project

I take a left off at Great Coates Interchange, the last exit prior to downtown Grimsby, glancing at my rear view as I ease along the slip lane.

I drift by a couple of roundabouts, pulling over at the non-road adjacent to the Beechwood Farm pub.

A white Covid Warden van driven by a harassed looking fluorescent jacketed man has pulled up behind me. [I noted the vehicle coming into view on numerous occasions throughout my journey from Barnetby Top].

It reverses and moves away after a minute or so.

I pause for a moment, gazing through the series of repeating mirrored gantries lining their way along the perimeter of Vaconsoft Parkway.

X adjusts its range and zero’s in on a series of flickering texts hovering across the original externalised grassed map of the Beechwood Farm pub.

A muffled conversation.

‘Yep, yeah…really? No. Crucial factor? You too. You too. I know. I know. I wish I could…bye.’



The text floats and fades gently into the digital soil pixels of the business park wasteland.