“Effortless is the hallmark of real change, and effort creates effects contrary to your aims.” www.creativeconnection.co.uk

I’ve just read this as I was thinking about creative connections and found an organisation on-line called Creative Connection. They refer to themselves as a virtual enterprise as they come together to work as independent consultants when required and disband once the project is complete.

And it’s Tuesday today so tonight is the sixth session of my course, which is over halfway through my first term. So far I have submitted 2,000 words in relation to my educational beliefs and how this places me in the histories and practices of art and design education. This will be leading on to examining this position further using practical and applied instances in which my beliefs and practices have been made concrete or challenged….

So I need to consider my reading and professional experience and make connections. My purpose is to connect. And in this instance if feels like I have to connect up my reading, my art practice and my professional work. Am I having to make too much of an effort? Shouldn’t this all be effortless? Or perhaps as you make the effort you find the parts that are more effortless.