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The Wolf behind Fundada interviews founding co-directors Alice Bradshaw and Nancy Porter. [continued]

W: What is the selection process?

A: The selection process is we’ll watch all the films together and discuss each one and make a longlist. Once we’ve reviewed all of them we’ll make a shortlist knowing what we’re working with. Then we’ll make the final selection and decide the running order.

N: Last year we didn’t have anywhere suitable to review films so we ended up in bars across Manchester with laptops and wine. We know all the best places to plug in for power, and the preferred seats nearest the plug sockets as well.

A: This year we have a very comfortable HQ with all the facilities.

W: Do you ever disagree about the selection?

A: I don’t think we have… sometimes we’re both unsure about a film and have different levels of enthusiasm for it, but it’s generally an easy process to decide and a good conversation in the process.

N: I don’t think we’ve ever had a disagreement over a film, no. We’re both very much on the same page. Plus we’re a democracy, like U2 but with the Irish vibe and tax evasion.

W: What have been the worst films to review?

N: Dance. And experimental dance. I have no clue over this as an art form. It’s not my place and never will be. Oh and scrotum footage. Can we say scrotum in an interview?

A: Swinging scrotum were the low point of our career as Fundada. We discussed the potential for screening a Worst of FAFF and the ethics of doing that. We haven’t ruled it out. Video documentation as video documentation and not a piece of work in its own right is not a good start and neither of us are particularly keen on dance as a medium, less so as documentation and not live.

W: And the best?

N: Scrotum footage. No, I kid. The best are the ones that when we watch them they instantly strike us as being Fundada. They’re normally a little surreal, sometimes they’ll feature a woodland animal or a flying rum bottle.

A: We also ran a public vote for best film of the day each screening day last year and have awarded the following Best of FAFF2010 FAFFTAs to: Splitty McCheeks (UK) & NTSC VHS VJ Barry Valentino (US) live, Eagle & Feather (UK) KIPPLE: VHS Art for the Digital Age, Sebaldo (UK) – Bomb Ed, Paul Tarragó (UK) – The Badger Series Episode 1, Kathy Toth (UK) – Loop, Jorge García Velayos (ES) – La Bestia (The Beast), Lemeh42 (IT) – Inner Klänge (Inner Sound) and Sai Hua Kuan (SG/UK)- Space Drawing No.5.

W: What’s next for Fundada?

N: We have big plans. We’re thinking of something abroad – we want to take Fundada to Europe. And perhaps something printed like a zine.

A: We’re both interested in language and are developing a project around multilingualism and the inherent strangeness of language. Research trips are going to be an important part of the next year. Showcasing artists’ films will still be a big part of what we do though. Fundada TV is here!
