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I visited the Abstract Expressionism show at the RA yesterday – it reminded me where my roots lie, but I’m sure as my practice has developed and evolved, I’m more keen to find order in chaos, actually I think I’m becoming obsessed to organise it. This current project is a prime example.

I’ve taken the microscopy images of the tissue (for the lightbox, those dyed blue to reveal the nucleus of the T-cell) and focused on the simple form and pattern. Multiplying the image in layers has worked well, the repetition created not only depth, but order.

A central core of the Abstract Expressionists is the work evolving out of the means of production, I’ve always been inspired by this and sure that this is where my engravings, videos and prints grow from now. A difference though, is that the cell images are not abstract, but also based on seen reality.

Which leads me back to my ongoing concern that my work should not illustrate the research, but also, it should not be so far removed from it that it is solely self-referential and doesn’t inform the viewer on the research in any way.