Viewing single post of blog Gestalt and all it has become…

I’m wondering – can this technically be called a blog if I add an update almost a year later?

There are so many channels through which to proffer ones bits of info that it can seem like a job in its own right. Last week I decided to join twitter (username: NArmstrongArt ) but i have a certain amount of help in this regard as I’m told that in order to establish a meaningful presence you have to work at it and watch trends etc. to stay relevant. Interesting and no doubt necessary – but hard to keep up when one has a full time job, plus a full time job as an artist (in my brain anyway) and then a hungry global information superhighway monster to feed. Hence my worthy assistant.

A year can be a long time or it can be virtually nothing. I haven’t worked on Gestalt since my last show – but I can feel it coming round again. Feels a bit like being Doctor Who – reborn every now and again to face new adventures…