Getting very excited about the exhibition now, especially as some of the other artists involved have started to send images of works in progress http://w0budong.wordpress.com/news/ – can’t wait to see how it all comes together. It’s so much easier to keep the momentum going when there’s a few of you exhibiting.

I’ve also finished the flyers, with a bit of help (having a graphic designer as a boyfriend can come in useful), and put together a reasonably long mailing list of studios, artists and galleries in Manchester to send the flyers out to.

Organising an exhibition in a city that I don’t live in or really know has been tricky at times and somethings are a bit of an unknown. The mailing list being one of them. The other difficulty, a more practical consideration, is transporting everything up there. As I don’t drive I’ll be on the train with my 2ft poles for my sculpture, among other things. Still I’m sure it’ll workout and all be worth it…