Had a trip to Salisbury on Sunday and visited the Arts Centre there. At reception there was a box of books to be taken for donations. I bought a few but the one I am REALLY excited about is “Design and Form” by Johannes Itten-It is fabulous-I am pretty slow at reading(dyslexic and all that) but this book is just a dream-It makes so much sense presenting “The Basic Course at the Bauhaus”-bring back the good old days!!! I anticipate learning a lot from this wonderful book.

I had a whole day at the studio yesterday punctuated by doctors appointment and sorting out WEA courses! Started one course today and have had the go ahead to run another tomorrow. It’s all time away from the studio but its all money towards materials-oil paints and framing and rent if and when I get a studio space. I put in my application yesterday-fingers crossed!

I am constantly thinking of my own art work, the exhibition and presentation-one thought is to use scaffolding to display my first large canvas-there is certainly a lot about at the moment! I will try to get a local company to sponsor me-maybe lend me some scaffold poles etc for the exhibition. Will get on the phone in the next day or two.

I am waiting to stretch my big big canvas but I will have to do it in the gallery space so waiting for an opportunity and a time when it is quiet. I am also hoping to have another pair of hands to help me-I have had a few kind offers of help-I really do appreciate being a part of ASP.

All for now-more soon!


Well it seems ages since my last blog entry-I am still here!

Its been a funny old week and I have not done much painting. That is not a bad thing though as the racey pace I have been working was getting to feel a bit rushed-on board a high speed train! Sometimes its good to slow down and reflect on things.

Two things have taken my time this week. The first is applying for a studio at Art Space Portsmouth. A studio has become vacant and I have decided to apply. I am SO enjoying studio 22 I dont want it to end. Its the best medicine in the world and the reason I get out of bed in the morning. I have considered my application carefully and hope I will be successful- so fingers crossed!

I have also helped with putting together the lastest exhibition at GASP (Gallery at Art Space Portsmouth). The exhibition celebrates the incredible artistic talent of John Mynott-a studio holder at ASP and well respected artist. It is well worth a visit if you are in the Portsmouth area-its on until the end of next week-see ASP website for details!!!

I have also been waiting for some canvas which has now arrived. I am planning to stretch my biggest canvas yet (in old money..6ft x 6ft 3in) and can’t wait to get going!

I am constantly thinking about my upcoming exhibition and at the same time still planning new work. There is just so much I want to do!!! I want so much to keep painting and experimenting but feel I should have a cut off point to stop painting and let the oils dry!!!

I am also considering framing-display etc-I feel there is a huge learning curve ahead of me-exciting-I want the exhibition to be good and the presentation of work can make all the difference-I need to get it right!

All for now-more next week-with pics too!!!


I had a bit of a stressful week but the studio kept me going! I think I am still suffering from the labyrinthitis as my world occaisionally goes a bit wooow.

Thursday evening there was an Art Space artist meeting discussing a number of issues. It was a first for me -interesting-a great group of artists in a mutually supportive and professional organisation and I feel so fortunate to be part of it.

Yesterday was flash group day-this is a peer group session which happens each month where artists at Art Space meet as a group to discuss work, proposals, applications-lots of things. The topic yesterday was to review the work that I have done so far. I was rather nervous as I am not keen on speaking in public and find it difficult to think on my feet. But I think for me it is always good to push myself and go out of my comfort zone-it keeps me on my toes and stops me from sitting back and stagnating. The session started at 1.30. I had planned to prepare in the morning-of course I have been thinking about it for a while but I wanted to go in and sort out the room and have a little time of quiet reflection. My plans were scuppered though as I spent the morning at the dentist having emergency work done!-Not the best preparation!!!

9 artists came along so it was a little crowded in the studio-especially as I have so many wet canvases in there. The work was discussed and I had some constructive comments and a lot of encouragement. It was suggested that the work was moved out into the gallery space so we could see the works in a less crowded space -this was especially helpful and I’m so glad we did this. Thanks Jeannie! I took the opportunity after the flash group meeting to photogragh some of the work in the space.

Another artist also discussed a work in her studio which was interesting and increased my understanding and appreciation of her work.

The flash group was a chance to have some feedback about my work-to see another artist’s work and studio and to get to know some of the Art Space members.

A friend from the MA called by on his way back from a PhD meeting in London-always good to see him and discuss work. We often meet when he is on route from London back to the IoW and watching the development of his work and the different directions the PhD is taking is interesting. At one point I was considering further study-don’t think it’s for me-certainly not at the moment.

Lots to think about after the Flash group-lots of decisions to make-lots of work to do-exciting stuff-just not enough hours in the day!!!

Off to London tomorrow to Tate Modern and the Paul Klee exhibition :o)