woohooo! I successfully fixed my washing machine

(check www.garybolam.blogspot.com for video and pictures!)

… its now 2:30pm only an hour of my degree prep time wasted poking and prodding the insides of it. haha. ohh i also have a sneaky peak image to upload… i say sneaky peak but it may all change.

i have an interesting space it has two large windows and a narrow walk way area. i think i may have set myself a bit of a challenge in choosing it but oh well… we'll see how it turns out in the next few weeks. its only 2 weeks and 6 days until i have to have it all finished. eak!


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Ok so it is 1:30pm and I'm working tonight at 6.00pm. My washing machine has just broke with my uniform still in it. I'll take that as a sign to phone in sick.



Blah blah blah….

Art school holds the plague. Today I have been avoiding it at all costs. gerr… I'm fed up of the elevated stress levels and the required commitment to be seen to be doing work every minute of every day. I'm fed up of the uneasy feeling around people as well. Everyone is on egg-shells around one another for fear of tipping the balance. I need a rest from it all.

Having said that, all I have been doing for the last week is 'resting' from it. I went to two openings last Thursday. A solo fourth year show and the group third year show. Both of which were impressive, almost scarily so.

So I go along to both and its a sunny day in Glasgow and I feel in good spirits, maybe more so because of all the free alcohol haha but also because its a chance to chill out a bit with friends. i ended up getting slightly drunk with everyone else and going home to crash.

I was having crazy dreams. I swear I was actually working in my sleep. It was weird.



Tears before dawn.

So the other day. What a day that was. Firstly the space I plan on using it full with crap… haha yes crap. :P

So i go on the hunt for any other space not used in the building. It wasn't easy and i ended up looking and finding a corridor. Now, usually you would walk past this corridor and think… well think nothing because it's just a rubbish wee corridor. Unfortunately in the state of mind i was in i thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. haha. so yeah i then also have this 'inspired' moment when i think it would be a great idea to paint it red. oh yes. But not just any red, floor paint tile red. and it was just that…. floor paint. haha woops. i did however managed to paint about three 8 foot boards before realising what i was doing whilst talking to Jac haha it is kinda funny now looking back.

Then i decided i should go make use of a bit of unclaimed space in the garage so I'm working away trying to get my work sorted for then exhibition when Tanya turns up. all she does is ask how i'm doing or something and i burst into tears. eh?!

In my defence i have had hardly any sleep and i'm still not over the 'break up' yet.

I ended up talking with Tanya for about an hour but it could have been 4 hours or 5 minutes it simply felt like an hour. haha. This talk helped… now. At the time i just couldn't take it in or think about the words that flowed from her mouth. i simply heard 'You're crap and you need to get your finger out and stop making shit work.' i was needless to say in tears after that talk too. It was too much to think about and it was mega hot too.

Hot + Tired + Crit + Break-Up = Pants.

I freaked out for about 3 hours after that. Not continuously. oh no.. just at random moments when i least expected it.

I messed about making things after i composed myself again. i actually had great fun. it was nice to experiment again. Without really realising it, three of us were working away until 3.15am. wow… that is officially the latest i have been working in the studio. it shuts at 9pm. haha!

The tears must have been in the air because there was another 3 or 4 people who also were complete wrecks by the time the crit came. there was only 7 of us in totally. That's a high percentage. haha




Some second year (you know who you are!) has, over the weekend, made a big installation in the space I am, sorry, I was going to use for my crit tomorrow. What a w**ker! Not only that but a fourth year has still not moved his work from last week.

I'm raging. I'm trying to resist the temptation to sabotage their chairs or something equally unethical. Ohhh… I could cut a centimetre off one of the legs on their desk. That would be annoying. haha! Gerr…

Having said all that, I'm actually in a good mood. Summer or at least a day of it has hit Glasgow. It's actually sunny and their could even be talk of a BBQ. Yummy.