aah…but today you will be proud of me.

Today I drove for a hour through green country lanes dotted with white Queen Anne Lace and breathed the air and watched the sun burn through the mist.

I collected the plinths, drove home and spent the rest of the day in the garden just chilling in the sun. At 5pm dog and I walked to the river so she could swim.

I have ignored so much I should have been doing – both Art and Life stuff, so now I feel rebellious but sane.

Actually I feel amazing.

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Hi Both!

Maddening isn’t it?

Good to be busy, but why does it all happen at once? I’ve stuck a to-do list on my pinboard and over the next 6 weeks I have to:

-run embroidery workshop for Craftswoman’s club at BCU Margaret St

-write blurb for MA catalogue entry and submit images

-write MA show proposal

-arrange transport for shed to Worcestershire

-spend a couple or three days working in shed, and attend open weekend

-arrange shed transport back to Stourbridge

-run arts week in school, ensure happiness and payment for all visiting artists

-order materials for arts week

-go to Worcester resource exchange for materials for arts week

-write 2500 word essay

-finish layout of LOAF catalogue, invitations and music programme, scan and print.

-distribute LOAF invitations and e-flyers

-do radio show

-source and buy a new old dress and embroider it

-input and analyse assessment data (just don’t ask!)

When term finishes, I shall breathe a deep sigh of relief, then have some fun doing my own thing and exhaust myself ready to go back to work in September!



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Hi both

We are all so busy………..quite mental. Still, who in their right mind would chose to do anything else given a choice?

With the Hobby Horse project still doing the rounds and the solo show stuff – spent an absolute fortune this week on framing – and a September show as well I feel the need for Indian godess /Edward Scissor hands or maybe a split personality; one that can deal with the household/living stuff as well would be dead useful.

Framing works up felt very odd. I haven’t done it for a while. I stood there silently looking at all the work now in the frame I had chosen, working out if they were still comfortable, still the same or if I had ruined things.

My poor framer was very disconcerted – he thought I was disliking his framing.

Off tomorrow to borrow four plinths…….I have no idea how many journeys it will take to get all this work to the gallery. Am beginning to worry….about everything.

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A year ago this weekend, I went to the Quilts UK thingy at Malvern. While there, amongst other things, I bought this heap of the most gorgeous, richly-dyed unspun silk. I bought it with the PTB in mind. A thing to make veins with, blood vessels, arterial routes. I just found it in a bag in my cupboard. As I pull it out it is like I’m pulling the veins. It catches and tangles. It’s knotted, yet also the smoothest thing in the world. The fine fibres catch on my nails and skin as I handle it. I can twist it in my fingers. I’m longing to stitch it down somehow, divide it, tell it where to go. Make it submit. I can make it say words, or keep it silent. If I divided it enough it would wrap around Franny and Julie and me.

It’s a project that’s itching to be.


Hi both

Elena – ‘bodies?!’ ……of course – whatever you do with it will be lovely. I look forward to seeing what you do with the embroidery.

I have promised myself an early bed tonight. None of my 2pm emails – I have to be up at 6.00 am to present my car load of hobby horses at the back door of Bluewater; the biggest shopping mall on the planet.

We have been told that people start arriving at 6pm to have breakfast. The shops don’t open until 10am but the food venues open early. How strange is all that?

An art student made us an amazing ‘porno’ hobby horse’ – she was working with gay men at the time. We have been totally unable to get it out – so to speak – so far. Brainwave. We will take it to Anne Summers and see if they are allowed to show it in store…

I visited Bluewater before it opened to the public. It was all finished bar the shop fronts but we were still made to wear hard hats. Quite extrodinary. I can only liken it to visiting Egyptian temples……….huge, silent, awe inspiring, beautifully crafted, monochromatic [ at that point]; a temple to Mamon.

The FHHP has one more venue booked and then the horses go back to their owners – in the field in which this all started a year ago. Not sure how I will feel. Lighter I think. A year long project has become quite heavy, time wise, financially and at times has put a strain on my relationship with my project collaborator Ros. Bit like suddenly finding yourself married really!

I keep thinking about painting again…….My work moves back and forth between 3D and 2D which confuses me still, but I can feel a painting phase coming on. Huge paintings seem to be waiting to be done. Not sure where that would leave my PTB ideas which have all been object driven…. it feels exciting though.

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