Happy Bank Holiday Monday Both!

In the spirit of using the blog instead of email…

Franny, that white towel you sent me… I’m cutting it up to make “bodies” for 2 baby dresses…. hope you don’t mind?



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Sorry both, I can’t believe I’ve missed so much, I only went away for one night! …

It’s great to be number 1, but I had a thought, do you think it could be the three of us doing all the reading of it? ha-ha

It’s so good to hear how you both feel and that it’s not just me finding it difficult. Our friendship is quite strange when you think about it isn’t it? I feel close to both of you when I’m writing but actually I don’t truly know you at all, or do I, I’m not sure? I think our friendship is quite fragile… it needs nurturing.

I do feel like maybe we are the ptb now.

I wasn’t surprised by how you described yourself Elena, I don’t think you realise that your personality comes through in your writing even though maybe a restrained version of yourself! I was hooked on your blog from the first post I read because it’s so full of character.

I’m quite sure I come across very differently in ‘real life’ to the me you both know though. I worry a lot about offending others and spend a lot of my time preparing what I am going to say before going anywhere just as I do in my blog posts but usually say it all wrong…

I’m quite reserved, although I try not to be. I’m shy when I first meet people and try not to show it but I think it shows anyway…

I never quite know whats going on around me and often need things explaining to me, haha (at least I know that though!)

…I hope I’m what you expect when you eventually meet me.

(I started editing the bit about me, thinking to myself I don’t want the world to know this but decided to be brave, so I pasted it all back in. I hope I haven’t said too much!)


Oh my God Elena – a boot print!
Thats really heavy………..you are getting darker and darker….you will be in my world with the squashed fledglings next – you mark my words.

and I am trying to get out……………


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Hi Both…

Is a good way to start…

A way to focus the mind…

I think the problem is that we have never met. We’ve never looked each other in the eye. Never had a proper conversation. What we write is slow, considered, edited. We think about what the other person has said, carefully, then respond, carefully. So, we have good manners. We don’t want the other two people to be offended by what we might say. We don’t yet have the trust in each other that looking someone in the eye helps to establish. So we say, in our private emails “What do you think?” “After you!” and we take it in turns… sort of. There is no volume, there is no interruptions or overlap.

In real life I’m not like this.

I speak too fast, and probably over the top of people so I don’t forget what is in my head. I am also too loud. Don’t let me have too much caffeine or alcohol. I am sarcastic and I swear a bit.

I’m ok with people talking over me though. I like a good bit of sarcasm aimed at me. I’m thick skinned. I put my foot in it. I speak before I think. But I apologise readily, and mean it.


I’m willing to risk it. I haven’t asked permission to write this, it’s gone straight up to the blog.

Maybe we can have two conversations to start with, a private one if we feel like it, but decide not to talk about what goes on the blog before it goes up here?

Franny, I am desperate to go and look for more bits of vintage stuff, but have to focus my mind on the items I’ve got for now… I have a white lacy dress I’m thinking of doing next… very fine stitching in a pale shell pink, in the shape of a boot print. Delicate. Not at all delicate.

Your turn Julie!




No.1 blog………..Blimey!

Maybe we ought to actually write on it…………………!!!!

I was talking about the blog to an artist friend of mine who is also a journalist telling her we were still blogging ‘behind’ it.
She said go for it. Stop all e-mails behind it – only communicate online.
She thought it was fascinating how hard we were finding it to ‘go public’


The spontaneity of the e-mails that I know are private become stilted on here. The very act of writing on the blog platform is a different mindset which I automatically go into.I haven’t found a way to write while ignoring the knowledge that I am addressing everyone – not just Elena and Julie.

The trick is obviously to find a way to put blinkers on.

So – I wrote an e-mail starting ‘Hi both’ as I would normally do …and that seemed to help.

Hi both

Have just spent a huge amount of time , energy and an inordinate amount of money on framing up work. Unbelievable madness on my part really. Its been so long since I have had works on paper and I have changed as an artist since then. Now I have to have everything done properly. Ikea frames not an option!

This weekend has been spent wedding dress hunting with my daughter. Our noses down and tails up truffling in amongst antique lace and 30’s satin nightdresses.

I kept seeing things I wanted to buy you Elena – why is everything so expensive? One shop had tiny little Victorian bonnets. In need of earmuffs…………..

You may have seen my orange tubes full of wasps on my blog? Somehow as I slip out of working for this show I seem to be measuring things.

Maybe the PTB will be prove to be some form of measurement?

Measurement of friendship? There’s an interesting concept.
