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I’ve got some scribbles and ideas too in my ptb sketch/note book, could add those too.
there is an article in one of my selvedge magazines about medical/surgical textiles, will find it for you, could be some links there.I’d like us to put a huge piece of paper on a big table and get all these ideas in one place and link them together to see what we come up with.doing things with wire…. I did some wire writing a while back… text as support for the rosettes? At some point I think we should even have a workshop session together. Actually… maybe that could be a proposal worth setting out…. the DOING of it, not just the results? ptb goes on tour. 3 pieces of work, in 3 venues, made by 3 people from just what they take into a room – what do you think?

(I can’t find an online version of the article, but it’s in selvedge magazine, issue 15, p47 by Marie O’Mahoney)