D A I L Y S T U D I O S H O T S 28/0612

Reflection experiments and the last day with the massive long braid.


D A I L Y S T U D I O S H O T S 26/0612

I am currently working on a piece which involves restructuring the archive of notes and written submissions associated with my Postgraduate Certificate in Professional and Research Skills (CPRS).

The collection from the three courses is massive and what I have chosen to do with them is (in typical Donnalee-fashion) immensely time-consuming. In addition, it involves mind-numbingly boring and repetitive work.

I love it.

Something mind-numbing is what I need when research makes my brain hurt. Repetitive work is like swimming in nice water.

I spoke to Theo Humphries – his doctoral work looks at using art and design theory to explain complex human behaviours and is a case study in humour – about this yesterday at the WIRAD Symposium. He had spoken about the benefits of his ‘Crapistry’ cross-stitching in this light while lecturing for CPRS.

Swimming, cross-stitching, crocheting, tatting and knitting involve well-practiced physical movements. These movements feel hard-wired. They eventually carve out their own neural super-highways such that we don’t have to think much while doing them.

We don’t have to think and yet, it is while doing this type of work that some of the best ideas and connections with the research surface. While time-consuming then, perhaps I have lit on a way to kill two birds with one stone.





D A I L Y S T U D I O S H O T S 24/0612