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In 2007 and 2008 I photographed virtually everything I did and posted the digital images in weekly albums on facebook. A total of 1,537 images were posted over the project’s duration.

The impetus for the original ’35 weeks on facebook’ project stemmed from the realization that digital photos in my online archive seemed able to elicit in me a palpable, body-centered memory of exactly how I was feeling when I took a particular photograph. Since this memory did not appear to change with time, new knowledge or new experiences, this attribute proved particularly useful in monitoring my mental health at the time.

I have asked 35 facebook contacts to select a favorite image from each of the collections. I have responded to each with either a new photograph or one which has surfaced as a result of my current MFA studies.

I want to explore if my original beliefs about the capacity of on line images still ring true.

In a sense, the image dialogues represented here are conversations with my former self.
