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I’ve been trying to design the perfect exhibition space for this project. I’ve even put work into it (or at least artists initials). There are still a couple of others who I would like to include, but these seem to be the essentials. I am not going to write the artist’s names because that seems to be making assumptions about the fact that they would say yes!!

I need to start considering budget lines very soon. Here is my dream shopping list…

Publication- containing blog, emails, research
Library section (with books)
1 artist’s commission including flights and research fee
x2 projectors
x1 TV
Marketing – leaflet for conf & exhibition
Conference inc speakers fees & accommodation
Video camera for documentation of conference
AV technician for exhibition installation

While I am on to making lists, here also is my list of people that I would like to speak at my conference.. totally fanciful but one has to start somewhere…..

Nick Carr http://www.roughtype.com/
George Khut
Lizzie Muller
Kalle Lasn and Micah White