I have a big group crit tomorrow so little time to write but I will give you all an update on my progress!!!!!!


Had a peer group crit today and I explained that I wanted to move elements from my previous images and introduce new elements into new and different surroundings. I showed the students my two new vertical compositions and explained that I feel that my drawings and paintings are the foundation of my work.


It was so sunny today and the analogy continues with the setting of the sun outside.

The lists get ever longer and more frequent and detailed. So little time to complete the final work in. I hope the final push is worth it!


I am very pleased to have tried displaying my art in a local church as part of my 'banners and paintings' exhibition.

The lighting was great and the works looked very fitting for the venue. The bright colours of my work and the decorative nature seemed to stand out well within the fabric and furnishing of the building. I wonder if everybody else thought this too!


When the pressure is on I would suggest visit a good exhibition. It is always good to reflect upon your own work when in the presence of genius.

The Picasso Challenging the Past Exhibition was just the tonic. To see a master at work to see how previous art influenced him and to know he too need to compare art to find some sort of benchmark ( 1947 , Paris as he noted 'you see it's the same thing! ' with reference to the Louvre test).

So here I am back in my studio working away getting ready for the final exhibition and so much to do! but to have taken a break is certainly recommended.