The year begins!

Our tutors have given us pep talks – much like football coaches give to players before a match, to ensure we use the space the course leader has fought hard for or else loose it to another course. Make use of this great space and get out ofeach of our ‘comfort zones’. Another exciting aspect of our move is that now all of the degree courses – from Illustration, Graphic Design to Textile design and Fine Art are in the same building and so it is now easier than ever for us to collaborate across discliplines. I’m not entirely sure how I might collaborate – I’ll find out and initiate some juicy collaboration.

Our first project is to ‘consider and map in some way the buildings and the grounds’ ( of our new college building). We are to be imaginative / exploratory /inventive / experimental in our response.
What other way can you map something?

I am very excited about this – in the first year of college I wrote an essay on maps and it is a subject that appeals to me.

The first thing I need to do is explore the building and surroundings further and then consider ways to ‘map’ it.