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The finished piece – I’m calling it ‘wood for trees’ and it is putting into 3D word form my intentions with my practice. It’s a part of refining and focussing.

Does it work? Too early to say! It’s expressing the multiple fronds of distraction around my focus on listening… but listening keeps taking on ever more meanings to me..I’m distorting the words meaning to my own needs.

I think this piece needs to be followed on by one of the same ilk, but with a different obscured word. This time it needs to be harder to find the central word. Am considering using a similar frame, painted white on reverse and painting writing on muslin and layering, so there’s a depth and each layer of writing interferes with the next.

In this process I am very much following my nose, to let things I am not aware of come to the surface. While making I am not questioning why a certain material or method as this has a history of stopping me in my tracks. After I’ve created a small body of work I will then look at it and ask why about everything. If I ask why too early on in a period of working I end up becoming paralyzed with problems and possibilities and I get nothing done (or I go and get lost in a book as my way of burying my head in the sand!)

Doubt and uncertainty – rock on!