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While talking to Matthew Day I’ve found he’s interested in the form of the mobius strip and so I ‘ve decided to use that as a form to play with by combining it with my cup moulds.

I wanted the cups to all be facing one direction so they flow.

For my first attempt I used my latest moulded cups – which are made out of art cut from newspapers and magazines. I used a strip of old blind as the base for the mobius strip form and glued the cups around it. This has ended up with the cups coming away from the strip and looking like a formless pile of cup-forms! I made the mistake of making the gluing permanent (using a glue-gun).

My next attempt I did today and used light cardboard to make the form of the mobius strip and (being safe here) stuck the cups on with white-tack.

I am keen on using art cut from newspapers as my material, but making them into the form of cups and then putting them around a mobius strip is far too complicated.