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I have got as many images of my work for this year together on Pinterest (bit.ly/1jOzRAH).

I’d like to put a few on here, but I am having technical issues uploading!

What can I learn from my work over the past year?

I can see patterns in the way I work and looking back at it now can more clearly see what I have done.

In a November tutorial I came to the conclusion that Art is essential – as essential as eating.

Another question I am posing to myself is:

‘What’s the work you’ve always wanted to make, but haven’t been able to?’

I have often been thinking of creating immersive work, but previously all I’ve been considering is the viewer of the work, rather than than maker (yes – I know the make also views it, but I was thinking of everyone except me – the maker). Seeing Jayne Lloyds recent work here www.jayne-lloyd-artist.co.uk/portfolio/walking-in-… where she is getting entangled in her work in the making process, I am thinking of other possibilities. Being right in the middle of the work and making it around me. I was in the middle of the work while making Self-Portrait Contained by writing (on my pinterest board linked to above, but I’ll try to post a photo here too).
It is not simply that though. And that is what I need to get at. What is the crux, now, of my work?