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I have a few images from the past week. Painting progress is slowing just now as I have a month until my dissertation is due in! I have chosen a subject close to my interests and so it is nourishing my practice along the way.

The working title is ‘Experience of paintings as Originals and Reproductions’ and the section I am working on now relates to how we view images of paintings now – on the web and in books.

Ok, so I have a few more paintings here of work on paper, two in Burnt Sienna and white – sea fire and atmosphere where I drew into the paint with a pencil.

And the progress of another using black, white and green moss growth, which is looking rather ugly since I added the thick lines of paint around contours. I think those thick lines don’t fit with what had come previously. I had been working with my fingers rather than a brush, which was fine small scale (sea fire is A3) but at A0 I soon got a sore finger! When I changed to using a brush, my whole approach to the painting altered. The other thing I have been uncomfortable with this painting is that for the first time in months I am working on a wall. I am so used to working with the paper/canvas horizontal that I now feel self-conscious. There seem to be more distractions working on a vertical surface, standing up – more is attention grabbing than looking down to the floor.

I don’t yet know whether this is true or an excuse I’m giving myself for the painting going AWOL.