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Writing and Stones

– how will my response be?

I have scratched into the softer siltstone grey and rust coloured (2 distinct colours) stones. (Trouble getting photo on here). On putting these in water, most of my marks disappear.

I have been stacking the stones, grouping them by rock type. Many of these I have written on in various ways. This brings to mind, cairns, especially to me a Peace Cairn in Ireland http://www.iol.ie/~mcmullin/cairn.htm

I am most interested in the grey and rust coloured stones. These are clay-like and I am trying to find out what exactly they are.

One of the things I have been considering is how to write with stones without making the marks myself. How can I find writing in the stones?

These grey/rust stones each provide a fragment of writing. What might happen if I joined the marks formed in the borders between the two colours. Would this be writing?