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I have seen a lot of my local river now and I have a lot of stones hanging around now.

I’ve unrolled a long, narrow piece of card and laid the stones out on it, joining the marks of each one to the next as fluently as I can.

What is the meaning of finding gestures within stones from the Earth? These layers were laid down millions of years ago and then the erosion of the soil and the meandering path of the river has revealed and shaped the stones I have now.

Because the marks have been found, does that necessarily mean that what I have formed with them has no meaning?

Instead of writing on the stones I have choosen to find it in stones. So I have gone from being in control thoguh the writing was illegible, to having less control and relying on what I discover.

There are a mixture of stones in this area and I choose the most fragile, brittle one. This quality wasn’t why this rock type was chosen, but it is a part of the work due to the crumbling, powdery aesthetic of the work.