It started with the Dutch national ballet´s retelling of Hata Mari´s life on the tiny screens that adorned the back of each seat on the KL433 flight to Tehran.

On this full flight my eyes were fixed on the screen. Words that came to mind while watching this were veiling, vulnerability, boundaries, consent and the labour of love.


The view from the kitchen window the day after arrival.

What followed was 10 days of settling in historically (I left as an infant and metamorphosed into one on arrival), emotionally and psychologically, and climatically!

I called the elders in the family to pay my respects, drank loads of tea from the samovar, played backgammon and slowly started anchoring my adult self to be able to start thinking! This was in constant conflict with the lashings of (all my favourite ) food that was cooked for me by my nan seen here in her prayer clothes..