Back at work now, in the print centre in Wrexham. the exhibition seems to be going ok… heard a comment on the radio the other day about Universal Indifference and sometimes it feels like that, though I have had a feature in Golwg Magazine, and the show was used as a backdrop for an interview of S4C due to screen early october, and Pam wrote a nice review in Interface and yesterday Printmaking Today came out and there's a feature in there too.The comments have generally been positive and I had a really nice email from someone who had been really moved by it and who'd been back 3 times.

The show has not been listed, which is a shame, but some exhibitions in Bangor and somewhere else finish this week so maybe there will finally be room for the Welsh "W"s in the Guide.

Jeanette's exhibition "delineated" opens on Friday at Galeri in Caernarfon. She has made a beautiful suite of prints for the show and some of the work which was damaged and has been repaired at the Conservation Centre in Liverpool will be shown for the first time. Her exhibition at the Flow Gallery in Notting Hill is in November, she's showing there with Jessie Chorley (studio/shop opens on Columbia Road on Friday), Julie Arkell (who has curated the show) and i think Cleo Mussi, who makes mosaics.

We had a really good workshop at the print centre started last saturday in anticipation of our stand at the Manchester Book Art Fair in November. Michelle Rowley, from Wirral Met, came over with her private collection of artist's books and we looked at different book forms.