Viewing single post of blog INTENTIONALITY vs ARTEFACT

short summary about the installation exhibited at SoundNetwork's exhibition as part of FUTURESONIC 07 in Manchester:

[A/V installation / digital loops on DVD's / 5 monitors / UK 2007]

The work presents the current stage of Greg Byatt's and Markus Soukup's ongoing audio visual research into archae-acoustic phenomena. The project explores an area of different aspects where consciousness change, certain frequencies, binaural beats and ancient resonance systems are significant parts of the investigation. By using video loops, which each have a different length, a situation of a continuous mode of change is created within the installation representing multi-layered space time concepts.The way in which the loops are running asynchronous on several Monitors reflect the multiple perspectives, fragmented meanings and unknown historical territories of the ancient stone age site on Anglesey in North Wales.