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The sea has a kind of creamy light cast over it in the winter, but only on clear days. being mostly in rain and cloud among the mountains means that the occasional visit to the coast is certain as it is often totally clear, so it is something to remember to do.

I’m beginning the second phase of the painting,  focus will be more intense than before, leading up to the exhibition at the end of the year. I am also showing some work in a local youth hostel, interestingly where the philosopher Bertrand Russell helped to restore for a few years , there is an old photograph of him and friends carrying spades and furniture on the wall in the lounge  * he was born in North Wales.

I have an appointment in a lovely glass fronted building at the Conwy bird reserve in Spring, it looks out over another estuary so the idea is to theoretically link the two estuaries within the work and allow the visitors to see how I develop a painting.

Meanwhile looking over some photographs of the lighthouse which I have fond memories of visiting last year. Here is the interior stairway.

interior of South Stack lighthouse Angelsey, North Wales