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Saturday 3 September

Today Invisible City is open during the day. 12.00 – 18.00. Today I will work on the rice paper screens that I prepared. They fit into the doorway, and are back projected. I will be inside the room, with only my shadow and the line that I draw as I follow people visible.

I have written some adapted rules for my drawing today, which have changed according to how I broke the rules on Friday.

->Pick up on one point of one person and follow (especially feet and hands)

->If that point is still then do not draw. Wait.

->It is ok to ‘collect’ a different person when they pass a point of stillness.

-> Use grey ink. 30 minutes

->Use fibre pen. 30 minutes

-> Use black ink. 30 minutes

I find that by making the video image/projection more visible from the main hall that people notice how I am responding to their movements more, and therefore play, and adapt their movements more. I can see in the projection when someone realises that I am drawing them. I can sense when they are testing me – they might move their hand, only to find that I am not following the hand, so they move differently. Sometimes they try to encourage me to pick up on that movement. Sometimes I stick steadfastly to where I am following, sometimes I give in and collect that movement and follow them.

The drawing builds up nicely, the japanses rice paper and ink giving the feel of Shoji Screens and Calligraphy.