Here is a detail of 'Immersion'. Do you like being in the crowd?

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Absolutely awful weather, keeps me working on this project, horrible day. I feel like I have cabin fever, restless and uptight, good job I am home alone.

At least if I am alone, no body suffers my mood, at least if I am home alone, no one can upset me more, also I cannot upset anybody. I guess today I don't need my boat rocking.

I say all this because its how we all feel and behave, and interacting can improve or exacerbate all of us.

This painting is called 'Immersion'. It represents a crowd.



How many of us relate to this! Often, I want to avoid situations that I perceive as difficult. Sometimes I preempt a situation as part if my planning and the pre -perception is wrong. This has taught me to avoid some situations, but this is also wrong.

Depending on your journey through what we call life, we learn different behavior patterns, not all are healthy. It is negative to decide a result before an event, but if your experience tells you that you generally get a negative response, then you will probably expect a negative response and then you may choose consciously to avoid the situations.

'Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway.' is a motto that I uphold.

Don't let other people stand in your way. I now try to continue, unrelenting, as I do with my life as an Artist without support, anywhere, independently.

I am grateful for this blog and AN Magazine. This is support for me as an Isolated Artist. I love being a practicsing Artist involved with the Alchemy, purist in thought, researching my subject: funnellling focusing, churning, honeing, appropriating, struggling, and enjoying what comes naturally to me, woman and a brush, hammer, drill, whatever it takes to follow through to my final finished creation.

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Here is 'Confrontation'.

It is a small canvas with a large foil within a square.

It is a bold, in your face image. It is dark, does it produce a sense of fear and foreboding?

Are you uncomfortable when people get really close ?

Are you the Confronter, do you notice how others feel when overpowered by you?

Do you care?


Who Are You!

Be encouraged to have a go, can you discern who you are in your community and how you fit in, what about within your family, are you a matriarch, patriarch, rigid, flexible, go on, send me an image !. Join in with me, lets see if we could get an image from the 8,000 Artists unedited.