Keeping this simple.

The canvas represents: space, society, your environment.

The Charcoal and glue square represents your Psychological frame of mind.

The inside of the square represents your personality and character.

The Idea’

The theme is to understand how you feel in society, or within the family.

Depending on your cultural background, and the dynamics of that culture, whether it be mixed or not, talented or not, extrovert or not.

Series 2: Personality and soul, we are all different.

Eight paintings which investigate the personality and the soul. Metaphorical sayings for these themes are:

Looking through the trees

The monkey on your back

Beauty in the eye of the beholder

Remove the splinter from your own eye

Pluck out thine eye

Can’t see the wood for the trees

Pull back the veil

Eyes are the window to the soul

Look at the paintings in this collection and decide which best suits you.

Please create your own square and add to this blog or email to me.

Thank you for taking part.

I would like to thank AN magazine the for supporting this on-line project

[email protected]


Artist participation

Who are you!

Draw a square to represent yourself.

Decide on a positive part of your personality

Write / draw inside the square: use words, doodle, color.


Each part of the 8 paintings in the second series of work is signifying a character, each vastly different. This the viewer is asked to create them self.

Please read the following if you would like to collaborate with me simply submit your own image either straight onto this blog or email me .


Donna Southern

Solo Exhibition

AN Magazine


November 2008

Who are you?

An investigation.

Four years of research on Carl G. Jung, ‘Man & his symbols’, Robert Graves ‘War of the Trees’, a BBC documentary of family dynamics on the cold war, based on R.D Laing, ‘Who am I’ has produced the following collection of works.

How do you feel?

As a society we are taught to behave in certain ways if we want to be accepted. Some people cannot conform, others conform outside there own homes, some conform within the home but not outside. It can be either way, between family and friends or work and society; our experience can be positive or negative in a myriad of ways.

We become successful in positive ways and sometimes our behavior is dysfunctional which can negate our pathway.

In the past, this behavior has been diagnosed to set up wars! ‘The Cold War’, R. D. Laing, a psychologist researched the dynamics within a family and diagnosed that of victim, rescuer and persecutor. The majority of British families are still based on this model of control. Schools, working environments and armies have also been based on this model; fortunately this is currently changing within our society.

This continues on the next posting.


Here is one painting from the first series of works . It is oils, foils and plastics, 1m x1m.
This image is 1 of 4 paintings that expresses how we could be in a society setting.

'Isolation' represents individuals living all over the town, in small squares. each square signifies a person living alone, cold and shut off, or possibly juxtaposed, safe and snug.


This exhibition was well attended by the public. Even better was the public response to participate and wonderfully I have hundreds of paintings by the public to add to this exhibition. I am currently reviewing all these images of 'Who you are'. I will evaluate the response and analyzing or not the content and variety too. I will blog the images with my own images, some are anonymous in any case all names will be withheld for privacy. I will add images sooon ,still browsing.