I thought i would take a break from the dolls house and get started on my mirror. First things first i cut the hard plastic edging off the face and stuck it with PVA glue. I have been saving up the bigger eyes i had found in magazines because they wouldn’t fit in with the smaller ones i had already done on the finished sides of the house.
Also saving them specifically for the mirror as i want it to go from the small eyes on the face to fan out to bigger eyes on the actual mirror with small spaces in between so the viewer can see their own eyes looking back at them. The whole idea behind the mirror being the judgement people have of what we look like and also our judgement of ourselves, not exclusive to women. This is becoming more and more common with men, appearance, weight and age all being judged by those around them and for celebrities, by all the magazines that i am using to create this project.


Top floor is done but I am beginning to regret taking this on, at least without the time constraints that I have. Not quite halfway through the bottom floor, I’m really starting to worry that it won’t be finished on time, I love the effect the top floor gives and really hope i cam get this done. It would be really cool to do this to an actual room of a house and also slightly terrifying!


I thought I would try and make my life a little bit easier and photographed some of the eyes I had already cut out of magazines, then printed them off in a range of different sizes. I photocopied a few of these sheets and gave myself a a bit of help rather than going through magazines.
Unfortunately i couldn’t use that many of them in one go, more just using the odd one to fill a gap as too many of the same eye would be obvious and also because of the different texture of printed paper to magazine paper. I had hoped it would save me a bit of money too because although I have had a lot of magazines donated to me, i have also had to buy a hell of a lot as this project is using a lot more than i had anticipated.


By having all four strips that i had edited up together, I could see them as a repeating pattern going down a wall, it would make a bright, standout wallpaper. I want to design one for my final show but i know this is not the one. Although it looks good as a sample it would be too overpowering covering a large stretch of wall and wouldn’t fit in with the other items i am producing.


This is my studio space at the ,moment, it is full of my experimental ideas and enlargements of the collages i have done in my sketch books. I like to play with the effects of changing the colours and sizes of the images. I like the bright and busy look of my area, i find it easier to come up with ideas in the middle of chaos. By putting the bigger copies of my collages up on the wall as well as the edited strips i had made, it became easier for me to see their effectiveness and impact from a viewers perspective rather than just being on a page in my sketchbook.