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Cleared my work space out today, mixed feelings being up in the studios when all this is going on. I’m really excited but also getting emotional about the fact my time at uni is almost over. Think being highly hormonal is not helping and that finishing uni is not the only big change in my life that is happening very soon, as in normal circumstances I don’t think clearing up my stuff would upset me! Seeing my three years at uni reduced to four plastic boxes was a bit sad though.

Got a bit of work to do in the area i am moving into, there is paint on the walls and floors as well as a bit of sanding and general tidying up needed to be done before the space is ready to exhibit in.

First coat of paint on the walls and a bit of sweeping and scraping material off the floor and it’s already looking a lot more presentable. next thing on the to do list is actually finishing some work to put up in it.

This is a small plan out of my sketchbook of how i want my area to look, obviously it’s incredibly basic! I want almost 3/4 of the wall covered with wallpaper and i want to display the dollshouse on a table not a plinth so i will have to find an appropriate one that will fit with the work. The mirror hanging in the middle and then my collage sculpture at the end of the wallpaper so this is like a small installation. Then on the remaining wallspace i want to display some of my collage faces.