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I have a great respect and admiration for the great Old Masters and Contemporary artists who have painted large canvases with large areas of intricate of pattern. In particular I am thinking of …. Joshua Reynolds, Gainsborough, Gustav Klimt and The Kiss 1907, Ingres painting  Madam Moitessier 1856 and more recent artists, Sonia Delaunay and Chris Ofili.

Kathryn Raffell, 2015, Untitled, Acrylic on canvas, 180cmx120cm.

I will have to take a step back from this work now and contemplate. It needs more work. As you view the painting your eye travels around it taking in the different patterns and shapes but as the sofa and turban are plain not patterned your eye does tend to rest there. I think this could be where more pattern could be added onto the sofa and cushion but not necessarily colour and the same with the turban. More thought and I will return to this later. I have more ideas for work that are compelling me to begin.