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In this piece of work I wanted to explore the idea of a kind of tromp l’oeil by capturing the look of my original painting, that I wrapped in paper, by using layers of paint.

Kathryn Raffell 2015, Untitled, Acrylic on canvas, and Acrylic and paper on canvas, both 40cmx50cm.

The above photograph is a picture of the two works hung together. Below is a close up of the top tromp l’oeil painting.

Kathryn Raffell, 2015, Untitled, Acrylic on canvas, 40cmx50cm.

It is a work in progress. I can see from comparing them that I need to lighten the paper wrapping and darken the image of the painting underneath showing through the gaps. It needs to take on a more realistic 3D appearance for me to be happier with it.

As I am a painter at heart I want to explore and push my ability to represent layers by using only paint.

Even before I have finished this work I am thinking ahead to finding another material that perhaps I could wrap and cover it with. It is becoming a kind repetition process, rather like putting on layers of clothing, covering one form with another,