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As well as laying the stripes of black wavy bands vertically over the face I also placed them horizontally.

Kathryn Raffell, 2015, acrylic, acetate sheet strips on canvas, segment of 180cmx120cm canvas.

I like the effect BUT both look like representations of hair which is not what I want so next I had the idea of cutting oval acetate sheet and painting them different colours and placing them to cover the face completely.

Kathryn Raffell, 2015, acrylic, acetate sheet strips on canvas, segment of 180cmx120cm canvas.

Of all of them I think the paynes grey oval fits best with what I am trying to represent. That is the mirroring of the mask she is holding, that even though she has taken away the mask from her own face the viewer is still not able to read her face. It is left to the viewer to read what they, as individuals, decide on the narrative of the painting.

The oval shape, rather than the square, works better and so the next step will be to make one that takes on the exact contours of her face so is more a mask than just an oval. From this point decisions on where to go from here can be made. I have an idea to cut holes for the eyes to be seen.