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When you have been allocated your space to display your work for the degree show, my checklist was all about the PREP to hang the work BUT when I had hung, removed, repaired the walls and re-hung my work more than twice and still not sure it’s in the right or best place,  I now know that the real work starts with the hanging – it’s the start of the hard bit NOT the end of it!

Anyway back to the hanging re-think…..

I have removed the large canvas on the right hand side and replace it with a small (50x40cm) canvas. It has a pale background so appears to be emerging from the white wall. The scale between it and the wall makes a very powerful statement, small but commands the viewer to look because of this comparison. Just need to think of a strong title.

Kathryn Raffell, 2015, Acrylic on canvas, 50cmx40cm.

Unfortunately a photograph taken standing back from the work doesn’t show as it’s white on a white wall, so I have resorted to a close up just to give an idea (looks better in real life promise).

Turning my attention to the final left hand wall I have hung five canvases in a line.

Kathryn Raffell, 2015, All acrylic on canvas, all 50cmx40cm.

Standing back from them, discussing with several people, I realise that they are vying for attention and are being viewed as a group and not as individual works that tell part of a narrative contained in them all.

What I need to do is take away one painting first – still not working!
Take away another – looking better, three is good but not in the order they are hung!
This is looking good. They now have individual space AND work well together – a triptych!

Kathryn Raffell, 2015, All acrylic on canvas, all 50cmx40cm.

Viewing all of the pieces on the wall that I have finally selected (with help) they now have a cohesive look and feel. They have individual space to breathe, are powerful pieces individually but don’t overpower each other. I now need to put titles on these!