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The PV

We decided to have two private viewings. The opening night – 17 September, was the same opening night as not only all of the International Biennial venues in Liverpool, but also of several of the other independent sites. We thought, that being away from town would put off the regular private viewers who had a lot to see elsewhere that night. We needn’t have worried though, as we had in the region of 200 visitors ( according to the gallery counts!) A lot of whom had travelled from quite a distance. They visited in waves…. some trying to get to as many viewings as possible that night, and moving on after 20 minutes or so.

The following night was PV night #2. The weather was appalling with torrential rain. We stood round in a sad little group for a while before a few wet bodies appeared up the stairs. At tops, we probably had 50 people – 3 of which were drunks who had staggered in with their own beer, but we were very grateful for that many.

We were advised by one couple that ‘it may have been a better idea to have kept the walls where they were and hung a lot more work’. We could, apparently, have sold more work that way.

Ho hum.