The installation is in place and the Preview is over. It went quite well – better than this blog is going!

After the last blog – now weeks old Krys and I met to make further plans about the show. We live some 40 – 50 miles apart so that getting together takes as much planning as the exhibition itself does.

We have also made many planning trips to the venue. All of this has gone well and been productive. We reckon that we understand the limitations of the venue both in terms of its potential to show our art well and its potential to further our ambitions – if you like – or at least – to give us increased credibility.

Our problems are as ever – the cost of the exhibition. To a large degree we have built into our creative persona the idea that art is ephemeral and can be made cheaply. It has to be for us as we have very limited financial resources but we also want to make art cheaply as a statement of opposition to the huge expense and hype that surrounds celebrity art.

Therein is a very interesting debate about the importance f the well-crafted object – the work of art that is a technical 'tour de force' Our arguement is not with this kind of beauty or with reverence for it. I think we are interested in the democratisation of art for art makers – we are interested in the process – anyway this is the beginning of a discussion perhaps.