So here we are! The first 30 Day Creative Gathering of 2021 has ended. Here are my new Shop Front mixed media paintings created over the last thirty days. It actually feels strange not to be painting now as I’ve awarded myself a day off for the first time since January. As with all of these intense periods of creating, I can feel my paintings gathering their own wills and dictating to me how detailed they’ll be and how long they’ll take (sounds strange I know, but trust me, they’re all as stubborn as their artist). These lovely beings have taken their own sweet while to gestate. The actual painting production time has increased exponentially as the collages that lie beneath the paint gained in complexity. I expanded the surface size of most of these paintings too, something I’ve wanted to do for ages.  I’m hoping to continue the new Shop Front collection (at a more sedate pace) and exhibit them at the Steadings Gallery (Balmacara Square IV40 8DJ)  in April if current coronavirus restrictions are lifted. I’ll keep you posted on that one.

Here’s where you can browse all my new Shop Front paintings: Lynne Forrester, Artist: Abstract Doorways – Lynne Forrester Artist