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All footage for Phlebitis has essentially been scrapped, in favour of a completely new film, as yet untitled.

I have used the same method and some of the same techniques I developed in filming and editing the first set of footage. Phlebitis has become a largely technical exercise, and some issues has been raised regarding the suit. It is appropriate, but I understand the problems with it.

The editing techniques I'm using are based around numbers and ratios, and I've been able to flip between footage and get 2 of me on screen at once. By altering the number of frames given to each float sequence I can intensify one persona, and even make it move more slowly, which gives a really strong conflict on screen. However, while this is extremely interesting to me, it's not really translating through to the final film.

The new setting is domestic, there's no suits, and it's based around routine, but still carries through the original idea of disengagement, acting subconsciously. Moving without travelling?