A weird sense of relief has passed over me over the past few days for perhaps the least desirable reasons, since, well, alot of things have been going wrong.

After a very disappointing meeting with a certain high street shop, not the first of such disappointing meetings unfortunately, there was at least a glimmer of hope at the beginning of last week for the part of the work based on ‘context’ to pull through… until this weekend I got the rejection email.

This also (unfortunately) was not the only rejection email I have received from various shops regarding both the context work and also my need to find a shop window to stand in for a scene in a film!

To continue in the theme of unfortunateness, after watching through my ‘Atalanta’ film it was quickly clear that it was too weak a film in comparison to ‘King Midas Has Donkeys Ears’ and that the end of the film needed re-writing, to at least re-appropriating in a different way.

Thennn, a shop which said I could get a shot of me in their window pulled out… the night before filming….

And then, my tripod broke…. the morning of filming

AND a seagull pooped on my camerawoman.

But weirdly I am calm, I wasn’t very calm last week, or even particularly Monday, but I have now accepted that things are going to go a little wrong, and they may as well go wrong now, rather than the week the show is due to open. I have also eaten alot of chocolate and drank a fair amount of wine.


On the Vitues of the TO DO List…

I would like to speak briefly on the virtue of the TO DO List. I admit, I previously was a skeptic and saw the to do list as another form of procrastination (much like blogging…), however I am now a convert. The TO DO list has changed my life. With a TO DO List I suddenly become a much more effectively operating individual! There is something in that physcological contracting of a task with yourself which compells you to compete a task and if an item is not completed that day a sense of genuine disappointment with yourself.

Tips on ‘TO DO Listing’ …. (yes I have just coined that as a verb

1. Write the TO DO list the night before so that you are active and efficient from the word go!

2. Always keep your tasks reasonable, if you put everything that you need to do for the next month on one to do list you will be very disappointed when you inevitably fail to complete the tasks, this is counter-productive!

3. Keep the TO DO List on you at all times, what good is a TO DO List if you can’t check it

4. Move straight onto the next task, no messing around!

5. Either have a box checking system or cross tasks off when completed for total TO DO List SATISFACTION!


Having the morning in to organise files and go through some notes I made weeks ago.

Yesterday, despite ruining my back, I managed to get the whole of a costume for my final film screenprinted. Since I was printing onto a garment it was not exactly and easy task and also required the screen to be ‘double flooded’ each time. Having seen it printed I now know what further adjustments need to be made in terms of adding trims etc before it can be used.

Roll on filming!


I have just realised I posted a photo of an apple in my last blog with no explanation. To briefly explain… it isn’t any old golden apple, it is one of three dropped by Hippomenes in the race against Atalanta, the apples were Atalanta’s undoing as by marrying Hippomenes Atalanta was subjected to an unfair punishment as his wife, being turned into a pair of lions. However, you can’t blame her for being distracted by shiny things, Atalanta wasn’t the first and will not be the last.

Atalanta is also the title in the second of the short films I will be showing in my Degree Show.