Surface Gallery exhibition Double Take has gone well this week, and it is coming to the last day today. The last day of the last show in the Rules Of The Game series.I have done an hours performance each day 2-3pm which has taken it’s toll on me… I never realised how much hard work it would be..I am worried that I am running out of stories to tell… well maybe then it will become more focussed ont he freeform writing, maybe be more creative with the characters perhaps?
I scrolled through yesterday (I have not re-read any yet…am going to wait until it is all over) and I have actually written so so much! I think I may look into making it into a book, and that can be the result of what the performances become. And only within the book is the whole text able to be read.
Now to get on with making my artist statement more concise, and check my cv is up to date, and finish off my Practical Research… then hopefully I will be on my way to having it sorted!
Am also in the process of getting my website up… not much to be seen right now…but it’s getting there… at least the colour’s all good!!!

alexandria clark      http://www.alexandriaclark.com