Viewing single post of blog Off-Press/Print Restraint

Enjoying carving individual blades of grass today (and loosing my sanity)…

I realised yesterday that I can use Photoshop to work out roughly what the image will look like, which has been a massive help after all the billboard visualisation ranting yesterday!

But before that, check out the inter-lock! Yeah, smooth.

And finally a Photoshop visualisation of the printed foreground with boots of a figure…

I’m liking the large areas of black, but it might be more appropriate to striate the large black areas to be more in-keeping with wood engraving. But then, the large areas of black will contrast well against both the sky and the colours of the figure…

I don’t know if I need a background as well? Although a small tree on a distant hill could be fun…or even a distant figure?