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Regrets and Dispointments:

As this blog was started to track the changing use of this space I thought I would ride my bike through it, just to keep an eye on whats happening there.

I can no longer walk my dog there any more due the addition of the 100’s of sheep, which is a real shame as I did enjoy it. I had all sorts of plans to create some kind of related art interventions or series of drawings even paintings……

Sadly I never did any of that, I created a few maps….Now I never go there now and its a regret that I didn’t try a bit harder while access was so free. So I thought I’d check it out on my bike instead, just to keep this blog ticking over occasionaly……and who knows one day I might find time to make work inspired by it!

Plenty of sheep and several damaged trees due to the recent high winds.

But what really did surprise me was the graffiti in the adjasecent subway. As I had not seen it for quite a while I was surprised to see how much of this was renewed. A constant update of new graffiti I had not noticed before as I saw it so regularly.

The entrances to the subway have also been specially treated unlike ever before. Seeing it reminded me of a phone call I had months and months ago from a guy who wanted to work with me on an animation with schools and what did I want to work on to make this film? I said graffiti as I had been looking at this graffiti here at the on this blog, and my own work was totaly pre-occupied with lettering at the time….still is to a degree.

At the time I was working on a commission to permanently display a poem.

I went on to spend six weeks on my knees carving a poem into slate in a ruined abbey. Kneeling position was rather apt.

Please click on the link below to see the work on the poem at Strata Florida Abbey in mid wales.…

Again I am working combining text and images on commissions…so text is actually something I am interested in. And if I think about it now I remember that the graffiti animation project seems to have evapourated! and I’m a bit gutted, I would have really enjoyed that. I regret that I never seem able to find time that I can explore things I want to.

The fact is I need to work harder on making time to explore interests, and not expect to get paid for doing doing it either!

I am over 50 and interested in graffiti…..!

Below is a video showing the poem ‘Strata Florida’ in Welsh. mosaic inlaid into slate at Strata Florida Abbey.

Not graffiti and not exactly calligraphy either. The lettering was based on the poets own handwriting and whats legible and practical to carve……the result an informal mainly cursive script.