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For a while I have seen signs on the main road saying “New Sports Hub” at the entrance to this former golf course. I have often thought I must go in there and see what’s been going on. I never do this as I have no reason to go in there now. But yesterday I went in to have a look and see if the there any developments.

It probably been about 3-4 months since I was in there and a large area fenced off with lots of trenches dug all of them seemed to be the same length about 32 yards long, with all the soil piled up at ther side of them creating a strange landscape. I was unable to understand what they might be. So I looked on the internet for clues. I found the some old stuff about housing developments, sports communities,  flooding mitigation and a lot about landscape and ecology. I found something I had not seen before

‘the proposed development includes provision of extensive semi-natural greenspace in addition to a network of wetland habitat including an enhanced watercourse corridor and a number of new ponds. A number of further enhancements will be incorporated into the built development, including nest boxes for birds, roosting units for bats, clear span bridges for Water Vole and ‘hop-over’ features’.

So our new development will have healthy people using the sports ‘Super Hub’ and they will be surrounded by wildlife and modern living has reached new levels. I was appointed onto a very similar project to this and got very excited about it. But my plans were never implemented and the artworks I created never installed, though I’m led to believe now 4 years later installation could still happen!

So I watch this now unfold with a sad feeling in my soul as I tried to champion all these good things, believing I was creating something worthwile , but somehow I was kicked into the long grass.

So what can I get from this….I don’t know but I feel I should continue to walk around occasionally and have a look at the building works.