Don’t eat stuff off the studio floor!

I must get the studio tidied up.

In my efforts to maximise my studio time I have a lady that comes in every other week to do some cleaning for me. 2hrs of her time = 2hrs in the studio for me and my salary allows me to afford it. She doesn’t go in the studio though, so it gets pretty messy.

After Christmas I started working on a chocolate related work collaging some wrappers and using some for references. I have put this to the side at the moment while I try to decide how to continue it, like a lot of my stuff it half works and half fails. I am operating in a whirl of trial and error which just adds to the studio detritus. Well the upshot is the brown lump on the floor by the chocolate wrapper may not just be chocolate so I really should not have put it in my mouth.

Its half term this week I may not get much work done but I might just try to steel half an hr while they are watching TV to tidy the studio up a bit.

I also managed to stand on my pallet in my slippers twice this week.


Falling through the world

Another week when I didn’t get all I wanted to done, a full on day at work yesterday and I didn’t get my collision mesh done. A collision mesh is basic low poly version of the environment (landscape) artwork in a computer game environment. It’s what you collide with and stops you falling through the world; I really like the idea of something that stops us falling through the world. I feel that in my painting I am trying to find something, chopping and changing my intent and methods running round like a headless chicken. I am also thinking that I need to let go of something, perhaps they are one and the same and I should just let go and see what I hit.

My cracks of time got very tight this week a bump to my car that needed sorting and a sick child saw to that, but I did a bit. I produced nothing much but maybe learned something about my tendency to overcrowd my picture space.


what can you do in 2hrs or how to eat an art elephant

I had 2hrs while the kids were at a club, a friend said what can you do in two hours as if it wasn’t worth brothering starting anything in such a short time. Well it is, all my work is done in small snatches of time. 2hrs before picking up the kids, 2hrs after they are in bed, 2hr while they are out with dad…a lunch hr and a few minutes in bed before sleep.

I am starting this new blog to help keep me on track and prove that those little cracks of time can add up to a productive art practice. I will try and make an entry at least once a week however short it may be.