Well I guess the delay in writing this blog speaks volumes about the amount of time I had/have… how I actually managed to produce ANY work is still beyond me!

In relation to the show, I guess planning was at the top of the agenda (having 3 small children and very limited childcare), and quite honestly, with all the best intentions, nothing ever goes to plan does it?

As the work was very site specific, I had to schedule the work and my requirements well in advance, as once again, and throughout this entire degree, I had to work from home. (BTW, my tutors are extremely understanding as long as you produce the results).

The installation room was dealt with over the Easter break and the 14 canvases (individually sized to accommodate the windows in the towers were measured & cut (not by myself I might add)). Having spent 4 weeks turning my conservatory into a studio and locking all the doors, (kiddidribbles, scribbles and plaintive faces aside), the 14 were delivered and ready for installing on the Monday of the week of the show. What should have been a simple procedure of present, slot and seal turned into a farce, as only 2 of the 14 actually fitted! I had only planned for the Monday fit and Tuesday morning finish, as I had to pick up Ysabel from nursery and I had no sitter for her or the twins for the afternoon. Obviously this unfinished state of my work was out of the question (and clearly pointed out to me) and I will admit to some tears of frustration. However, frantic phonecalls made good and hats off to Alan and James, they resolved every obstacle, and the debacle even improved the presentation of the finished work….!

However, the point I’m trying to make is that even with the best planning/scheduling intentions in the world and the ensuing errors, in some ways I’m glad it happened, it was a valuable lesson in prioritising. It is not easy being a mother and a student, conflicts of demands, time and instinct, etc, I already feel I have missed out on so many opportunities in Uni and the artistic hub….. but that’s something I’m determined to work on and rectify in the very near future, starting with Erin Rickard’s talk at the Elysium. (Should be a good one, she’s very passionate about her work).

And in case you didn’t know, this whole frustrating cycle was the very essence of my show, therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my children and the recession for this body of work, I couldn’t have done it without you.