Fig.1 Performance Art Model, Embryotic cell, (2023)

My performance art model is inspired by a human cell. The circle emulates the membrane wall of the cell, its semi- permeable wall is autonomous and semi selective, the thin wall allows the cell to evolve yet remain unabsorbed by its environment (Kara Rogers, 2023). The model is referred to as an embryotic cell, it is in the early developmental stage and can transform throughout and beyond its initial appearance – possibilities are found within and outside the cell, its semi permeable wall allows for such development. The model incorporates Derrida and Guattari rhizomic concept, ‘A rhizome has no beginning or end; it is always in the middle, between things, interbeing, intermezzo.’

The model is meant to be seen from a birds-eye point of view and has no hierarchical entry/exist points, each element; picking up object, context, dissolving the stage and environment/social work fluidly together. Performance art’s vaporous ephemerality becomes fluid as what it disperses does not disappear completely, elements return changing through a space between reflective analytical cycle and the subconscious, it is remodelled along with newer elements consistently going through a non-hierarchical symbiotic process.


Performance art unlike any art medium is not an art medium. I share the same stance on performance as theorist Jonah Westerman, ‘performance is not (and never was) a medium, not something that an artwork can be but rather a set of questions and concerns about how art relates to people and the wider social world.’ (2016)