I visited Firstsite mainly to see Corneila Parker’s work Neither from nor towards (1992) within the exhibition “Tell me the story of all these things”.

Cornelia Parker Neither from nor towards (1992)

Image by Elgin Thwaites 25/10/2020

I really liked this piece, the individual stones which were collected from houses that fell off the cliffs of Dover seem to each have a story to tell. From the bottom, larger stones sit heavy on the ground and grows smaller aw we move to the top, smaller and more spaced out the stones become. Only when I took a step back did I realise that they were in the shape of a house. I like to look at an artwork before reading the sign about it, so I can experience it for myself first I guess, before understanding it in context.

The smaller stones reminded me of previous work I have done with balancing small found stones on driftwood all collected in Wales, specifically St David’s. All these works have been dismantled but the images remain.