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An analysis of my website, and how it compares to other websites i have looked at.

Landing page – Similar to Ann Marie James’ site in that there is one image which you click to enter. I am unsure if this is necessary as one could use a landing page containing news instead, but this creates a but of theatre when discovering artists websites and works.

Portfolio – I have yet to add this section to my website, but i believe that after viewing other artists sites, it is an important section which allows the showcasing of an edited selection of your work which allows a concentration of interest to be created by the viewer. Having a separate gallery of all the other work I have made seems like a good idea also as it can show a less detailed selection of all my work if people want to look at more.

About – This section will be paired down after looking at artists sites, this is because i would like to include a shorter section about me followed by a more comprehensive CV and biography.

Exhibitions – I decided to add this section after looking at other artist’s websites, as it showcases specifically my works that have been in exhibitions and i think this is an important section.

Links to social media – I have links to my Instagram page at the bottom of every page of the website. This is important as it can allow people to have a look at a more up to date and less official side of you as a person and as an artist. This is also important as it is how i have been contacted by A-N, open call requests, individuals and also professionals. Instagram is a site which appeals greatly to me as it is paired down, simplistic and eye catching, and also free!