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Social media began in 1996, it has tripled the number of users from 970 million in 2010 to over 4.48 billion users in July 2021.
The numbers are starting to slow down and it now relies on the continous gain in the number of people that has internet access/smart phone. (Your Art Empire, 2019)
On average social media users spend time on 6.6 various media platforms.

Social media sites:

Facebook (started 2004)
Instagram (started 2010)
Twitter (started 2006)
Linkedin (started 2003)
Pinterest (started 2009)
Snapchat (started 2011)
You Tube (started 2005)
Tik Tok (started 2018)
Reddit (started 2005)
Whattsapp (started 2009)
Of the above social media platforms, it is only Instagram that I use to showcase my art practice, is this the best platform to use?

Instagram logo

From a google search I have found out that: One billion users upload 95 million photos and videos a day to Instagram.

Two other sugested platforms for artists, written in an article by ‘Your Art Empire’ are:

Pinterest, in that you can make your business part of a network of more than 250 million users and  175+ billion pins (Your Art Empire).

Or Twitter who have more than 320 million regular users who send over 500 million tweets a day.

40% of all internet users worldwide use social media for work purposes.

I will be researching in more detail the top three social media platforms, of how you can reach the audience you want for your work, and looking at the pros and cons of using social media.


Your Art Empire. (2019). Social Media For Artists: Top 5 Platforms for Creative People. Available at: https://yourartempire.com/social-media-artist/?msclkid=4b87fa3db9ae11ecaaf88297f084c3d3

Art Empire. (2019). Social Media for Artists: Best Way to Extract Value From It. Available at: https://yourartempire.com/social-media-for-artists/?msclkid=1c445facb9b111ecb1c612b5123b22d2